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Awareness Campaigns

Awareness Campaigns do as they intend: to raise awareness about important issues going on in Piura, in Peru and all over the world, ranging from social justice to health to gender equality. We often take our lives and luxuries for granted and are often caught in the everyday hustle and bustle of school, work, and other activities. Awareness campaigns are a chance for us to get others to reflect on things going on outside their own lives, and to understand that what is happening to another human being in another part of the world is very much everyone else's business. 

"This We Believe" Campaign

Although each member within GlobeMed at Penn has different perspectives, we all share a single mission: to spearhead health and development efforts for those living in poverty by raising local awareness of global health concerns by fundraising, creating community alliances, and by ...


GlobeMed at Penn has reached out to students on campus to share their beliefs on global health equity. By coming together, we can strive to make a difference in the world. 


What do you believe in? Join the movement - make a change.

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